Rejuvenating, Recolouring and Surface Protection Specialists


How to restore Faded Joinery?

Faded Joinery - Help

We receive this question all the time and we are glad you asked!

We have all seen the damage that weather can cause to our joinery over time.  The surface of your joinery fades, loses it's colour and luster and becomes powdery.  The surface begins to break down and becomes prone to staining left from cleaning chemicals and becomes vulnerable to corrosion and escalated deterioration.  

The quick answer is Yes, we can restore your faded joinery!  

Nano-Clear will restore it's original colour and luster and will also protect it from future deterioration for more than 10 years!

Our process is very thorough, removing all contamination and oxidation.  

Nano-Clear is a clear coat, this is a sprayed on application.

To learn more about our application process,why not talk to a friendly team near you call 0800 NANOCLEAR or click here Contact Us  to leave a message